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Plant and plant products

Please refer to the ltest guidnce from the UK Government on how to import and export plants and plant products to and from the UK.

If you intend to import plant genetic resources from overseas, you should check if the Nagoya Protocol applies to your research. The Nagoya Protocol is an international agreement to ensure the users, including researchers, of plant and animal genetic resources share the benefits of their utilisation with the provider country from which the genetic resource was obtained. More information is available from the Research Operations Office.

Obtaining plant, animal and microbial genetic resources originating from overseas

Every country has rights over the genetic resources that exist within its borders. The Nagoya Protocol is an international agreement to ensure the users (ie. researchers) of plant, animal and microbial genetic resources share the benefits of their utilisation with the provider country. You have a legal obligation to comply with the Protocol where it applies to your research. See the University's Nagoya Protocol webpage for further information on how to comply with the protocol.

Nagoya Protocol webpage for further information on how to comply with the Nagoya Protocol.


If you import or export certain wood and timber products to or from the UK you will have to comply with plant health regulations, restrictions and requirements. The regulations are designed to protect the natural environment and plant-based industries of receiving countries from the introductions of harmful organisms that can be present in wood. Please see Government guidance


From 1 January 2021 there are some differences in the rules for importing and exporting timber in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and importing and exporting timber in Northern Ireland. Please see the guidance issued by the Government which covers imported and domestic timber and a broad range of timber products, including composites such as furniture, pulp and paper.

Wood packaging material

If you use, produce or supply wood packaging material to move goods to or from the EU or the rest of the world, you must ensure it meets international standards. Please see the Government guidance

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